RAM ~ The Scion of Ikshvaku (Pt.1)

Hello  everyone!!!!! Welcome back to a new blog of mine ( ik its been a long time)....
Recently I have finished one book "RAM~ The Scion of Ikshvaku " by  Amish Tripathi which I absolutely loved a lot.... Here Amish Tripathi had talked about the life of Shri Ram upto the Sita haran phase.... In this book I came across few thoughts and quotes which I liked a lot...few of them are mentioned here~
🔺The universe was born when the one, Ekam, split into many in a great big bang, this activating the cycle of creation .
🔺Love is secondary. Respect comes first in each and every relationship. We need someone who can respect us and whom we can respect.
🔺A realtionship is not just for fun , it is also about the trust and knowledge that you can depend on your partner. Relationship based on passion and excitement do not last long.
🔺Some stories are best left untold.
🔺"Kimapi nu janaahaa vadishyanti. 
      Tadeva kaaryan janaanaam"
Meaning - People will talk nonsense. It is  after all their job.
🔺Dark clouds cannot hide the sun forever. One day , they will clear and true light will shine throughout.
🔺Weak people celebrate when twists of fate hurt their tormentors.
🔺Dharma is above all , even the king. Dharma is above the Gods themselves.
🔺Universal principles too need to adjust themselves to a changing universe.
🔺A real leader doesn't choose to lead only the deserving . He will , instead, inspire his people into becoming the best that they are capable of.
🔺Women are not meant to be used. They are meant to be loved.
🔺ANGER is like fire : the more you feed it , the more it grows. It takes a lot of wisdom to know when to let your anger go.
🔺Let this temporary body be burned into ashes. But the breath of life belongs elsewhere. May it find its way back to the immortal breath.
wait for part 2..
See you all very soon in my next blog, till then खाओ, पीयो, ऐश करो मित्रों❣️🥂
Insta: _purb.eos_


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